Colombia says Brazilian helicopters ‘unnecessary’ for FARC hostage release

Colombia said Friday it would not need Brazil to provide logistics during the upcoming release of six FARC hostages.

Interior Minister Germain Vargas Lleras said, “At the moment we do not believe it is necessary. The Defense Minister has provided all the required logistics to [manage] these releases without further delay.”

Brazil, which provided helicopters and pilots during the last FARC hostage release in February 2011, could certainly step in if required, however, stressed the minister.

Vargas said, “If necessary, by some particular logistical circumstances, there would be no objection to the participation of Brazil.”

FARC commander Ivan Marquez gave the names of three security force members that would be imminently released alongside three that had already been named.

The six are part of a group of 11 security force hostages that the rebels are holding, alongside an unknown number of civilians.

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