Colombia may ‘rethink’ digital TV from EU

Colombia says it may not take European digital television without the financial aid promised by the European Union (E.U.) two years ago.

Colombia is still interested in the European system but without financial aid it may rethink its decision and look at alternatives such as offered in the United States, Japan and Brazil, says Colombia’s Minister of Information and Communication Technologies Diego Molano Vega, reports Europa Press.

“It would be very sad if Europe fails to fulfill its promises because of the political problems they have with the budget … Colombia has a lot of pressure to open the debate again and choose the Japanese, Brazilian or American standard,” said Molano Vega after a meeting with commissioner of the digital agenda, Neelie Kroes, in Brussels.

Colombia hope to receive €30 million over the course of four years from the E.U. However, a disagreement between the nations of the E.U. has delayed the decision about the budget.

Molano added that it is “urgent” that the E.U. hastens its decision. “It’s a big and important decision for Europe and we hope that Europe makes its offer for cooperation concrete, which it promised two years ago.”

According to Molano, Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos is still in favor of adopting the European system, but there is “a lot of pressure” from the Latin American industry and Brazil to “rethink” its decision.

Molano hopes Kroes will start to work “as soon as possible.” “It is urgent. Every year that passes in technology are seven in other industries. We can’t wait any longer.”

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