Colombia rejects Syria’s Tremseh massacre

Colombia condemns and rejects an attack of Syrian armed forces on a farming community that allegedly killed 150, the foreign minister said Saturday.

According to a press release on the Foreign Ministry’s website, “Colombia associates itself energetically with the condemning and rejection expressed by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, and the U.N. Envoy Kofi Annan, for the violent acts that occurred in Tremseh.”

Thursday’s armed forces attack on the town killed 150, locals told international press. According to the Syrian government, its armed forces killed 37 armed individuals in “a defensive operation.”

Consequently, the Foreign Ministry announced that Colombia, currently presiding the U.N. Security Council, is negotiating a Presidential Statement regarding the ongoing violence in the Middle-Eastern country where a 16-month civilian uprising has cost some 16,000 lives.

Colombia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Nestor Osorio, will hold the presidency of the Security Council until December 31.

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