Colombia peace talks begin under strict security measures

Norwegian authorities on Thursday imposed strict security measures around the hotel where representatives of Colombia’s government and the largest rebel group FARC are set to begin formal talks seeking an end to the country’s 48-year armed conflict.

Both delegations are expected to hold a press conference at 15PM local time (9AM EST) at the Hurdal hotel 30 miles north of the Norwegian capital Oslo.

According to press agency Reuters, the heads of both delegations, Humberto de la Calle on behalf of the government and “Ivan Marquez” on behalf of the FARC, are both expected to talk some 40 minutes.

Following the press conference, the negotiations will be carried out in a climate of secrecy and no regular press updates are planned, Norwegian government officials said.

Neither FARC nor government representatives have made any press statements since their arrival in Norway.

The representatives arrived in Oslo on Wednesday after which informal talks — that started in Cuba in February — continued.

The delegations have not clarified how long they plan to stay in Norway, before returning to Cuba to continue talks.

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