Colombia closer than ever to banning personal drug dose

Colombia is closer than ever to banning the possession of small doses and consumption of narcotics.

Senator Hector Heli Rojas on Thursday put forth his report regarding the project which seeks to outlaw the possession and consumption of personal doses of narcotics in Colombia before the First Commission of Colombia’s House of Representatives.

There have been several governmental debates over the last five years regarding the implementation of this restriction and according to newspaper El Espectador, when only two debates remain the restriction will begin to become a reality.

Rojas requested that the constitutional reform prohibits the possession and consumption of narcotics but does not punish the user with a jail sentence – instead of being arrested, the user would be obliged to attend rehabilitation sessions.

According to Rojas the proposal would be able to “drastically punish those who distribute drugs and encourage others – especially those underage – to consume.”

Colombia’s President Alvaro Uribe unsucessfully has tried to put forth this prohibition request five times before. This is the first time since he came into office in 2002 that Congress has come this close to the possibility of accepting the ban as law.

The proposal could be voted upon in the Senate next week. Untill the bill is approved by Congress, the carrying of small doses of drugs and the consumption of them is legal.

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