Colombian child predicts world will end in 80 years

Colombia news - great flood

A 10-year old girl from the north of Colombia said that through her communication with God in her dreams, she has found out that the world is going to end in 80 years.

Eva Sandri from Talaigua Viejo in the department of Bolivar predicts the world will be inundated with heavy rains that will require humans to build a giant boat similar to the Arc of Noah.

Rosalba Martinez, also a resident of Talaigua Viejo, said the girl was sent to bring the above news as a message to humanity.

“[Sandri] also sent a message to evangelists, saying they ought not believe in monuments but saints. The bishop of Mangague visited the girl, I guess to corroborate her story,” Martinez said.

The Vatican has made no annoucements regarding the supposed divine revelation.

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