Colombia bans beauty ad promising ‘eternal youth’

If you’re looking for the secret to eternal youth, the Colombian beauty product Revertrex is probably not the answer.

The anti-aging pills, endorsed by Colombian actress and model Amparo Grisales, are touted as “the secret and source of eternal youth” in their advertising.

The Colombian Superintendent of Industry and Commerce has ordered the company to remove the slogan and any other scientifically unproven statements from the product.

In addition to removing the unverified claims, Revertrex must pay the maximum penalty for false advertising and publish a total of eight ads in national newspapers saying that the anti-aging claims have not been scientifically proven.

Grisales took to the airwaves Monday, defending the product she endorses on W Radio, saying “I know the product, I tried it and never said that it will cure Alzheimer’s, arthritis, old age or obesity, just that it has helped me to look young. And I can assure you that yes, it has helped me.”

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