CNN: US suspends some military aid to Colombia

The United States suspended military aid to three Colombian army units implicated in
the extrajudicial killings of eleven young people from Soacha, CNN
reported Wednesday

A senior U.S. government official told the television station aid also was suspended to “several other” army brigades that may also be involved in the widening scandal about civilian killings by the Colombian army. That aid allegedly already had been suspended before the Colombian government admitted the existence of ‘false positives’, the murdering of civilians and reporting them as combat kills to make the war against illegal armed groups look more effective.

CNN also reported 15 of the 27 army officials that were sacked by the army last week had received “some form of individual training” in U.S. military institutions.

The ‘false positives’ scandal has already been classified as “widespread and systematic” by the United Nations and led to the resignation of army chief Mario Montoya.

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