Child killed in camp raid was Colombian: Rivera

Colombia’s Defense Minister Rodrigo Rivera said Wednesday that a child killed in an armed forces raid on a FARC camp is confirmed to be a Colombian and not an Ecuadorean national, reports CM&.

The 12-year-old was found with both an Ecuadorean refugee card and a Colombian identity card, issed in Ipiales, Nariño where the raid took place. Colombian authorities suspect that the child was recruited into the FARC against his will.

Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa said Wednesday it is possible that the boy and another person killed in a Colombian raid on a FARC camp in the department of Nariño were Ecuadorean, and that he was awaiting more information in the case.

The raid was carried out by Colombian forces against the camp of the 48th Front of the FARC in Ipiales in Nariño, close to the Ecuadorean border.

In 2008, Ecuador broke diplomatic ties with Colombia after a Colombian operation carried out on a FARC camp in Ecuadorean territory killed an Ecuadorean citizen. The two countries have restored relations, but the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is currently investigating a complaint Ecuador made against its neighboring country for the killing.

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