CATFIGHT: Marbelle whacks neighbor woman

Even the rich and famous get in trouble with their neighbors from time
to time, and Colombian singer Marbelle certainly is no exception. The
celebrity admitted to having hit her female neighbor in the face
following a public dispute in the north of Bogotá.

In an interview with Caracol Radio, Marbelle explained that the argument started when her neighbor, Viviana Uribe, parked her car right in front of the singer’s house, blocking access to the front door.

“She started to insult me from her car, claiming that I was a whore and that I sold my body to get my house and car. The worst was that she insulted my mother who has been dead for seven years. It was at that moment that I reacted, grabbed her hair and slapped her in the face.”

Marbelle added that she would do it again as she won’t allow for her family to be insulted.

Uribe supposedly claimed that Marbelle had lowered her pants to show her behind, but the singer denied this. “It is not true that I lowered my pants. I only showed her my behind to mock her.”

Marbelle blames this type of situations on jealousy that some people might feel towards public personalities. “Unfortunately for the lady, she will have to keep seeing me since I’m not leaving the neighborhood,” she concluded.

Born in 1980, Marbelle gained fame as ‘Tecno-Carrilera’ singer and was a jury member on the Colombian version of X Factor.

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