Cash and arms found in paramilitary leader´s cell

The militia bosses, who disarmed under a peace deal with President Alvaro Uribe in exchange for short jail terms, could lose benefits of the accord and face extradition to the United States if investigators link them to the arms stash.”We are waiting for results from the attorney general to find out who is involved in these illegal activities in the high-security prison,” Deputy Justice Minister Guillermo Reyes told local radio.The discovery of a handgun, a fragmentation grenade and nearly $6000 in Colombian pesos is the latest blow to the process with the paramilitaries who have agreed to disarm, confess to crimes and compensate victims under the peace deal.Ex-paramiliary commander Carlos “Macaco” Jimenez in August was the first militia boss kicked out of the peace deal after authorities accused him of maintaining his criminal and drug trafficking activities from his prison cell.

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