Ships from all over the world attend third Cartagena Sail event in the Carribean

(Photo: Sail Cartagena de Indias 2014)

Hundreds of sailboats and ships from 12 countries came together Thursday for the third “Sail Cartagena de Indias” festival along Colombia’s Caribbean coast, national media reported.

The sailors came from ships from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the United States, Holland, Honduras, England, Mexico, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Venezuela.

which took place in the city in 2006 and 2010 is being held from May 15 to May 19, according to the website for the event.

Vice Admiral Leonardo Santamaria, commander of the Naval Force of the Caribbean and operative director of Sail Cartagena de Indias 2014 said, according to the El Universal newspaper.

A torrential rain Thursday did not stop participants and spectators alike from attending the kickoff event, at which the 15 vessels, eight sailboats and seven ships, docked at navy pier La Bodeguita, in the center, Edurbe, Manga, and Sociedad Portuaria.

From 9AM  in the morning the boats began to arrive one by one to the bay while still more people attented the area. A heavy rain began to fall, but this did not prevent interested citizens and tourists from entering the docks at 2PM, according to El Universal newspaper.

“SAIL , is the name given to the global meeting of large ships in a harbor, it is a task that can be considered simple , but nothing is further from reality in the case of ships and sailboats with their training programs, commitments, and world cruises planned over a year in advance,” according to the website of Sail Cartagena de Indias 2014.

Ships and sailboats that arrived to Cartagena Thursday are part of the cruise “Sails South America 2014” on which they have visited ports of Itajai (Brazil), Punta del Este (Uruguay), Mar del Plata and Ushuaia (Argentina), Cape Horn, Punta Arenas, Talcahuano and Valparaiso (Chile), Callao (Peru), and Manta (Ecuador), according to the events website.

On Monday May 19 the crew leaves Cartagena and departs in the direction of La Guaira (Venezuela ), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Veracruz (Mexico ).


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