Carolina Cruz suspends eternal love offensive for fallout with fashion guru

RCN presenter Carolina Cruz temporarily suspended her time-consuming sending-millions-of-kisses-and-blessings-over-twitter hobby Wednesday for a snide towards her television station’s fashion guru.

The dramatic fall-out occurred after Sergio Barbosa, editor in chief of fashion show Estilo RCN, had falsely reported Cruz’s relationship had ended.

“I am happily in love with my boyfriend Lincoln Palomeque. We are happy, even though some would want this to be different!,” Cruz initially tweeted.

“How sad that people like Sergio Barbosa, a director of a program like Estilo RCN … doesn’t investigate or ask. Very very bad!,” the always perfect and happy presenter / model / fashion designer then complained.

Barbosa immediately did what RCN’s editors in chief are paid to do; he avoided taking responsibility for spreading false information and instead blamed one of his staff members for the mistake.

“Carolina, it was a mistake of the journalist who didn’t consult me. I am taking measures. I am very sorry,” the RCN fashion guru responded on his own Twitter account.

Without accepting the fashion guru’s apologies, Cruz returned to what she does best and spent the rest of the day sending kisses and blessings to whoever was in need of love.

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