Business leader backs controversial poverty reclassification

The president of Colombia’s National Association of Businessmen (ANDI) has condemned the vice president for criticizing the recent redefinition of poverty and voiced his support for the move, Colombian newspaper El Espectador reported.

Luis Carlos Villegas, president of ANDI, said in view of Garzon’s condemnation of the reclassification, it would be wise to review “the purpose of the vice president,” and urged Garzon to keep all disputes within the government.

Villegas continued to bash Garzon, calling him a spare part. “The vice presidency is an emergency plan, not an everyday support for the government … the vice presidency is a spare tire, but there’s nothing that irritates me more than a spare tire that makes noise in the car.”

The business leader finished by saying Garzon should be able to understand that his role is institutional and not a stand-alone position.

“Angelino is a man who is very valuable to this democracy and the handling of social issues, he must do what he says and does within the government because he must respect the authority to create positive public policies,” said the president of the association.

Garzon became center of controversy after criticizing the government’s planning department, that has calculated that a Colombian making COP190,000 ($103) falls above the poverty category.

President Juan Manuel Santos also recenty warned the vice president not to publicly criticize the government.

In further defense of the poverty reclassification Villegas said that in the context the situation for the the majority of people in the country, it is possible to exclude people with $100 in their pocket from living in extreme poverty.

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