‘Beauty queen-turned-narco trafficker’ speaks out

Angie Sanclemente, the fugitive one-time Colombian beauty queen and lingerie model who allegedly left the fashion industry to become a cocaine trafficker, has finally broken her silence via Facebook.

The former model is currently on the run from the law, after Interpol issued a warrant for her arrest on suspicion that she was running a cocaine trafficking cartel.

In a curious turn of events, US news network CNN contacted the model through her Facebook page, which is regularly updated despite the fact that she is the object of an international man-hunt.

Sanclemente protested her innocence to CNN, saying that she was “very sad and hurt by the bad information. I don’t know how the press can destroy an innocent person.”

“I don’t want to go to jail I don’t deserve it,” the former model protested.

Sanclemente is thought to be in hiding in Argentina. CNN has done some digging into her past, reporting that she lost her position as Colombia’s “Coffee Queen” in 2000, after it was revealed that she had been married, which disqualifies entrants from the beauty pageant. The news network also alleges that the Colombian model dropped out of university in order to spend the tuition fees on breast implants.

CNN reports that Sanclemente’s mother was living in an apartment on the outskirts of Barranquilla until recently, but left when her daughter’s alleged criminal activities hit the headlines.

The arrest warrant was issued because the 30-year-old bombshell is suspected of using a team of glamorous young models and beauty queens – women that she refers to as her “unsuspicious, beautiful angels” – to transport cocaine from her home in Argentina to locations in Western Europe.

Sanclemente is said to have been seeing a Mexican drug lord known as “The Monster” but to have left him at the end of last year to form her own cocaine-smuggling gang.

Since then she had been heading a complex operation, where the women, who were told to look “nice, but not flashy,” would catch flights to various locations once every 24 hours carrying a load of the illegal drug.

Some weeks ago, however, Sanclemente’s drug syndicate was exposed when one of her 21-year-old “angels” was found carrying 55kg of cocaine in her suitcase at Buenos Aires airport.

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