Barranquilla brothel closure upsets prostitutes

Barranquilla prostitutes have written to the town’s mayor in protest of the closure of their brothel in the Caribbean city, newspaper El Tiempo reported Monday.

The working girls in Shakira’s home-town have come out in protest against the closure of a brothel that has been servicing the area for more than 25 years.

The Lucitania Disco Bar, a renowned brothel in the city, was closed last week as officials say it has been operating in an area of the town that is not designated for that kind of business.

The brothel which shares the name of the doomed British ocean liner which lies under the ocean off the coast of Ireland since the First World War, now displays a huge banner telling the mayor that the 60 workers including administrators, cleaners, waiters and DJs, along with the sex workers, have an equal right to work.

“The girls have changed their lives: now they are working on negotiations instead and they get their groceries where they can because the Lucitana is home to 11 of them,” said an anonymous source.

Lawyers of the establishment have insisted on the mayor maintains the same number of women while it is decided where in the city the brothel should be relocated.

Inhabitants of the area reportedly feel much better with the closure of the Lucitana but find it strange that the high profile brothel is the only place that has been closed down in an district with many other nighttime haunts.

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