Rebels attack oil infrastructure in southern Colombia

(Photo: La Voz del Cinaruco)

FARC rebels have allegedly attacked three oil installations in Colombia’s southern state of Putumayo, local media reported on Tuesday

According to the Colombian Army, members of the FARC’s 48th front used cylinders as bombs against two crude oil storage tanks at an oil substation in the municipality of San Miguel, El Espectador reported.

The attack did not leave any wounded but reportedly caused severe property and environmental damage.

An additional attack was carried out against military units guarding two oil wells between the towns of Puerto Vega and Teteye, on the Colombia – Ecuador border, local news source Mi Putumayo reported. A final attack was reported against an oil pumping station on the road between the municipality of La Dorada and Puerto Colon in the state’s south.

Authorities in Putumayo have not delivered an official report on injuries, but the oil company Consorcio Colombia Energy is preparing a statement announcing details of the attacks, Mi Putumayo reported.

Attacks against oil infrastructure are common in certain states of Colombia with a high presence of guerrilla and criminal groups.

MORE: Oil infrastructure attacked in Colombia’s east

The country’s largest guerrilla group, which is currently holding peace talks with the Colombian government in Cuba to end the 50-year civil war, has not made an official announcement taking responsibility for the attack.


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