Atlantico governor encourages Colombia to sell regional tourism packages

The governor of Colombia’s Atlantico department governor has issued a general call to the tourism sector to take advantage of opportunities to sell tourist packages for the whole Caribbean region, newspaper El Heraldo reported Wednesday.

Eduardo Verano De la Rosa, governor of the country’s small Caribbean Atlantico, said that Colombian tour operators must offer foreigners not only city tour packages, such as those found in Cartagena or Santa Marta, but also regional ones, during a speech at the XVI National Congress of Colombian Travel Agencies.

As an example, Verano De la Rosa cited routes that would allow tourists to enjoy the entire Caribbean region. He said that according to studies by tourism specialists, North American tourists take an average of 17 days for vacation, and Europeans nine.

“We know that after the third day, a tourist doesn’t want to be in the same city anymore and for that [reason] we must offer them other options that are found in our entire Caribbean region,” said the governor.

Regarding his own department, Verano De la Rosa said that the Atlantic hopes become an important tourism destination, considering the excellent condition of its primary and secondary roads and the touristic focus in the recent construction of look-out points and other points of interest.

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