Army unveils Colombia’s first driving simulator for armored vehicles

(Photo: EFE)

The Ministry of Defense unveiled Colombia’s first driving simulator for armored vehicles, a national radio station reported on Sunday.

This as the Colombian government is expected to receive 30 armored vehicles within the next month.

Minister of Defense Juan Carlos Pinzon stated that the development of this simulator by Colombian military innovation firm Corporation for High Technology would savings for the country, as well as increased security and continued technology innovation.

“This is a milestone that shows that the army is not only working hard to protect Colombia’s people, but also to promote science and technology,” the minister was quoted as saying by CM& radio.

Now that soldiers can train with the simulator and do not have to use the armored vehicles themselves, the minister said, the government will be saving “thousands of dollars” in non-combat-related damages.

The minister also claimed that military innovations like the simular can stimulate advancements in technical knowledge and the development of human capital in Colombia, trends that could carry over to other areas, such as “agribusiness, the hydrocarbon industry and telecommunications.”

In that context, he made a point of praising the work of the Corporation for High Technology, which has an exclusive innovation contract with Colombia’s Armed Forces.

“Right now the Corporation is working on two strategic projects that will serve the country in the areas of national defense and security, but which will also provide benefits to other industries. One of them is the development of the aircraft “Caravan”, one of the most used aircrafts in the world, while the other project is the development of radar and sensors,” the minister was quoted as saying.

Once the shipments have been completed, Colombia’s armored vehicle fleet will count with 70 units.


Mindefensa presenta primer simulador para vehículos blindados hecho en Colombia (CM&)

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