Politicians rewarding campaign contributors with contracts

Colombia’s Inspector General Alejandro Ordoñez said many governors and mayors have been awarding state contracts to businesses who contributed to their election campaigns.

“The signs of recruitment, the new financial crime and inter-administrative agreements are the only thriving sector of the economy that has not been beaten by the global economic crisis,” Ordoñez said.

Mayor of Bogota Samuel Moreno and 18 other government officials will have to respond to allegations that public works were fraudulently granted to companies in exchange for payment.

Moreno came under fire after he was accused by businessman Miguel Nule and fellow Polo Democratico member Gustavo Petro of receiving a commission for public works granted to the Nule Group. Moreno denies the allegations and has asked the authorities for a formal investigation.

The Prosecutor General’s Office also ordered an investigation of the Bogota mayor’s brother, Senator Ivan Moreno, for involvement in the corruption scandal.

Ordoñez’s comments confirm that Colombia’s anti-corruption efforts have been unsuccessful.

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