Police find FARC manual

Colombia police authorities said Saturday they have found FARC manuals on how to handle hostages and carry out attacks on infrastructure.

The manuals contain instructions on how to deal with hostages and handle explosives. They were found Friday near the location where rebels executed four hostages in the southern department of Caqueta, a police official told press.

The instructions in both text and pictures explain rebels how to secure, chain and control hostages and what hours they should be awake and asleep.The manual also explains how to carry our explosives attacks on infrastructure and how to infiltrate rural community councils, said Caqueta police commander Carlos Alberto Vargas.

According to Vargas, the manual also instructs the guerrillas how to act in a case of an army attack.

“The information is very valuable for us,” Vargas said.

The FARC, Colombia’s largest guerrilla group, is highly active in the department of Caqueta.

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