Paramilitary chief says Mario Uribe received gifts

Extradited paramilitary leader Juan Carlos Sierra, “El Tuso,” accused former senator Mario Uribe of having received gifts, newspaper El Tiempo reported on Monday.

At his first hearing of the Justice and Peace process from his U.S. prison, “El Tuso” said that he was a friend, protector and financier of the political campaigns of Uribe Escobar.

“El Tuso” affirmed that for more than a decade he has done “many favors” for the Antioquian politician, who is currently on trial for a paramilitary scandal before of the Supreme Court.

Sierra said he gave Uribe gifts, including a $890,000 farm, a car and a watch for his 50th birthday. “I do not think Mario was so naive as not to know that the money came from illegal activities,” he added.

Last week, AUC commander Salvatore Mancuso testified that he had ordered his men to rally political support for Uribe’s 2002 candidacy in that year’s senate election.

On the same day, Colombia’s Inspector General Alejandro Ordoñez asked the court to absolve Uribe.

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