Natalie Ackermann : Sick of being linked to ‘Jabon’

The Colombian actress and model, Natalie Ackermann announced that she was tired of her name arising in the Colombian media in connection with that of a notorious drug lord.

In a statement reported by news station Radio SantaFe on Monday, Ackermann claimed “the Attorney General’s Office gave me a declaration which released me from any connection I may allegedly have had with this man (Jabon)” and she called on all media to refrain from associating her with the drug lord.

Suspicions arose when the model’s name appeared on a list of celebrities supposedly linked to ‘Jabon’.

Wilber ‘Jabon’ Varela was the boss of the military sector of the Norte del Valle drug Cartel which emerged out of the dismantling of the infamous Cali Cartel. Varela was assasinated by his subordinates in 2008.

Ackermann had the Attorney General’s declaration published in a Colombian review called Elenco so as to prove to the public that she had no links with ‘Jabon’ but she feared this was not sufficient to clear her name. “I wish that my country’s media would not ignore this call because my integrity and credibility have been affected as a result … I need everyone’s support to free me from this nightmare.”


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