Miss Valle stands out as a favorite in Miss Colombia competition (photos)

Stunning Valle del Cauca beauty Melina Ramirez Serna stands out as the favorite of judges and onlookers in the Miss Colombia 2011 competition, winning the award for “Best Face” as well as national recognition by the Colombia police force as their nominated queen.

Melina Ramirez Serna has been receiving more attention from the public everyday in her race for the crown as the Valle’s chosen candidate. She is often spotted at the current competition in Cartagena being followed by cameras, fans, and constant applause.

The gorgeous Miss Valle says that her face is her best weapon for winning the upcoming Miss Colombia finale. The stunning brunette says, “one hundred percent it is the key to my success. It reflects what I feel, what I want and what I have to offer.”

On Saturday, Miss Valle was deemed “Queen of the Police” by the Metropolitan Police of Cartagena at a special ceremony at the resort town’s Hilton Hotel.

On Sunday, the number one stunner of the competition was also recognized by Jolie de Vogue cosmetics as being the proud owner of the “Best Face” of the 26 candidates. She was rewarded with cosmetics, jewelry, and a year’s work as the cosmetic company’s representative.

Judge Salvo Basile said of the Colombian cutie, “Melina has an enchanting look. There is an equilibrium in her features, between her big eyes and beautiful smile, she is very beautiful.”

Makeup artist for Jolie de Vogue, Oscar Benavides, said “Melina’s face is perfect to put makeup on, one doesn’t have to make corrections or change the expression of her face. She has a harmony with every one of her fine features. Her beauty is concentrated in her huge eyes and her long and natural eyelashes.”

Last week when the Colombian beauty queens were all given keys to the city of Cartagena, Miss Valle was clearly the most applauded in the line up and fans snapped pictures right and left of her beaming smile.

“Melina has the typical Valle de Cauca look; prominent cheekbones and a lively look. This year, the candidates have the classic beauty of their regions,” explained National Beauty Contest adviser Diego Guarnizo.

If the beautiful miss takes the crown in Saturday’s grand finale competition, the department of Valle will have a monopoly on Colombian hotness after their 2010 win with beautiful Catalina Robayo.

However, the stunning Miss Valle assured press that she doesn’t feel like a Miss Colombia just yet and calmly said, “this is a competition that ends the last day,” all the while flashing her gorgeous grin.

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