Luxury cruise ship to sail Colombia’s Pacific coast

sea voyager cruise ship

Travelers to Colombia will soon have the opportunity to visit the Latin nation’s isolated and largely tourist-free Pacific coast when the luxury cruise ship “Sea Voyager” sets out on its maiden voyage from Panama to Buenaventura on August 3.

The yacht, which has a capacity of 65 passengers, will stop off at several destinations along the Colombian coast, including Malaga, Bahia Solano and Nuqui Utria.

The ship’s captain, Jorge Murillo, said the trips follow the same concept as adventure cruises popularized in Egypt and Norway.

Murillo, who says the cruise is perfect for diving enthusiasts, anticipates that the Sea Voyager will make Colombia’s coral reefs famous.

The ship has 31 cabins as well as a gym, a library, a spa, and scuba diving equipment. During the cruise passengers can attend lectures on themes like astronomy and marine biology.

The six night cruise will pass through waters ideal for whale watching. This season whale watching is expected to extend until almost the end of October.

Cruise prices start from $1,400 per person. For more information contact Aviatur.

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