Inspector General: Gay couples pretend to be straight to adopt

Colombia’s Inspector General Alejandro Ordoñez claims that homosexual couples are pretending to be heterosexual in order to adopt children, Radio Caracol reported Thursday.

The official asked for a criminal investigation of those who have committed this “very serious” offense, and requested the intervention of Prosecutor General’s Office and the Colombian Institute for Familial Well-being (ICBF).

Minister Ilva Myriam Hoyos, the delegated inspector for infancy and adolescence, said that there will be an investigation into these allegations, in the light of the fact that the Constitutional Court are currently considering a petition made by a Colombian-German lesbian couple to share legal guardianship in Colombia of one of the women’s child.

Hoyos said “We think that the cases that we know of and that the ICBF know of merit administrative and criminal investigation.”

The delegated inspector said that the guardianship request is not the correct means by which to go about an adoption.

She defended the family as an institution and said this was the reason why Interior and Justice Minister Vargas Lleras would not be in agreement if the Constitutional Court allow a lesbian couple to share guardianship of a minor.

The minister said that his position was “personal” and that homosexual couples “do not have the necessary stability” to raise a child.

Vargas Lleras added ” I voted in the Congress so that their patrimonial rights be recognized and in matters of social security but not to allow them to adopt.”

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