Industries hit by truckers’ strike

Officials in the business sector said enterprises have suffered from the truckers’ strike that stopped most freight transportation for 15 days.

Jairo Herrera, president of the National Association of Transport Businesses, said that over $3.7 million was lost during the strike in the transportation business.

Tulio Zuluaga, president of the Association of the Sector of Automobiles and Parts, said his sector was hit as well with a $25 million loss and said that parts supplies will be affected for months.

Hours after the strike was lifted Highway Police General Rodolfo Palomino told Caracol Radio that there has been a visible increase in cargo vehicles.

While business begins to normalize for the transportation industry, are a number of different sectors still feel the effects of the strikes.

President of the Agricultural Society, Rafael Mejia, said in a report from Caracol Radio that the truckers won but the ranchers and farmers lost. “The transportation of potatoes, onions and perishables could not be done and [produce] was damaged. They could not remove or transport crops, and the dairy farmers were not able to transport milk and had to dump it,” said Mejia.

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