Holy Virgin appears then disappears in north Colombia

An image of the Virgin Mary appeared in baby lotion spilled in the sink by a saleswoman living in Riohacha on Colombia’s Caribbean coast. But sadly for pilgrims hoping for a new holy site, the woman has washed the apparition away.

Mibis Yolanda Amaya Palmezano, who is 78 years old, says she saw the outline of the Virgin after dropping the lotion in the sink when she was holding a wake for her dead mother. Her claim has drawn a crowd of pilgrims to the house in the barrio 15 de Mayo where her house is situated.

Mibis Amaya explained to El Diario del Norte that she saw this as a message from her mother, Rafaela Beatriz Palmezano Ibarra, who died on July 6. Before dying, her mother had uttered the words “When I die, I’m coming out again.”

Mibis Amaya had a dream before the Virgin’s appeared, in which she saw her mother lying down on her side, in the same position as the Virgin appeared.

The dream also had a second part, which is yet to be fulfilled, in which the woman found a chest, in which her mother had left her a gift.

Mibis Amaya claims to have spoken to a woman familiar with the “supernatural”, who told her to erase the image of the Virgin in order for the second part of her dream to be realised – an instruction which she promptly followed.

The sales woman declared that she would not be going to the Venezuelan town of El Mojan for the traditional “Fiera de La Chinita” festival. She usually attends these celebrations – which are dedicated to the Virgin Mary – to sell her products. She will instead remain in Riohacha, hoping to find the chest.

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