Hollywood goes crazy for Colombia’s emeralds

Colombia News - Emeralds

Colombian emeralds are increasingly popular on the U.S. red carpet, sported by celebs such as Reese , Julianne Moore, and Angelina Jolie, showbiz and fashion site Cromos reported Wednesday.

At the most recent Oscar Awards, a number of stars were seen wearing the green jewels. Among these were celebrities Annette Bening, Amy Adams, Marisa Tomei and Reese Witherspoon.

Angelina Jolie was among the first to follow the trend, when she wore Bogota emeralds to the last year’s Academy Awards.

Colombia is one of the principal exporters of diamonds in the world, with a large clientele in the United States and, increasingly, India.

According to president of the Colombian Emerald Federation, Oscar Baquero, “The [emeralds] most sought after by the Hollywood stars continue to be Colombian, because of their size.”

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