Historical tourist routes celebrate Colombia’s bicentennial

Colombia will open four new tourist trails passing through sites of historical importance in the country’s struggle to win independence, to commemorate the bicentennial on July 20.

Colombia Travel Agent – Mantaraya Travel

The four “Independence Bicentennial Routes,” will be open during the month of July, with closing ceremonies to coincide with the 200th anniversary of Colombia’s independence on July 20.

“The Comunero Route” celebrates a revolt against the Spanish government that took place in 1781. Inspired by Enlightenment political and economic ideas, Colombians in the departments of Santander, Boyaca, and Cundinamarca revolted against new taxes imposed by the Spanish. The route follows the trail of a colonist insurrection that nearly succeeded in getting the Spanish to reconsider that tax measure, until reinforcements arrived from Spain to quash the nascent rebellion. The uprising was an early harbinger of Colombian independence movements.

“The Great Convention Route” commemorates the Ocana Constitutional Convention in 1828, which sought to improve the constitution of the newly independent Colombian nation. The convention took place in what is now the Norte de Santander department, and the route goes through five towns in the region where the convention took place.

“The Mutis Route” celebrates the life and work of Spanish botanist Jose Celestino Mutis. Mutis led one of the first scientific expeditions to analyze the flora and fauna of South America. The route goes through various locations in western Cundinamarca and northern Tolima, following the footsteps of the places where Mutis classified and analyzed thousands of plants and animals.

Finally, the “Liberator Route” traces the path taken by Simon Bolivar through the departments of Arauca, Casanare, and Boyaca while leading the campaign to free Colombia from Spanish rule. The trail passes through the sites of many of the famous battles that led to the defeat of Spanish forces.

All four routes will be the site of ceremonies, parades, and historical tours. More information on the events taking place on each route can be found here.

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