Number of kidnappings in May ‘historically low’

Colombian authorities registered a “historically” low number of “only” five kidnappings in May.

The National Fund for the Defense of Personal Liberty (FONDELIBERTAD) announced Tuesday that for the first time since 1996 the number of abductions is only one digit.

“The decline in kidnappings in the country is impossible to deny and the Colombians know the effectiveness of the Security Forces and the entities that carry out the judicial policies. This has allowed that the policy of the Consolidation of Democratic Security handed an historic result in the month of May,” Harlan Henao, director of the government agency said.

Three of the five cases were rescued by Colombian security forces. Two hostages are in captivity of the FARC.

According to Fonlibertad, 93 kidnappings were committed so far this year, 66 of them were for extortion purposes.

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