Polo requests investigation of murders

The Polo Democratico political party requested Monday that the government investigate the murders of 29 social leaders that have been killed during the administration of President Juan Manuel Santos.

Victims have been union leaders, party activists and community leaders. Polo President Clara Lopez called the national government to reinforce the protection of members of social movements and those defending human rights as soon as possible.

The party Monday also asked that the government investigate the death of Elizabeth Silva Aguilar, a Polo member who led an association for homeless and displaced people in Bucaramanga. Silva Aguilar was killed by two shots to the head on October 30 by an unidentified hooded gunman.

“Authorities must find those responsible,” said Roberto Schmalbach Cruz, Polo leader in the department of Santander.

Schmalbach added that the police say Silva Aguilar promoted the invasion of pieces of land and sold them to displaced people. Bucaramanga police commander Yesid Vasquez said the assassinated woman “isn’t a leader of the displaced … [she was] a leader of people who invade land here in Bucaramanga.”

Vasquez claims that Silva Aguilar sold land to people, evicted them, and then resold the land.

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