4 students mutilated in Colombian university riots

Seven students were injured and four mutilated Tuesday in riots at a university in the central Colombian city of Tunja.

The injured age between 19 and 28 years old. Doctors at a local hospital described the injuries as a traumatic amputation of the right foot, a traumatic amputation of the right forearm, testicular trauma and a fracture to the left femur, trauma to the right eye and facial injuries.

Three of the seven injured patients requiered emergency surgency, one is still hospitalized and three have been discharged.

University rector Gustavo Alvarez said he did not know the motivations for the attack. As of yet the weapons used in the attacks are unknown but police are inspecting the area for explosive material and “papas bombas” (handmade grenades) in particular.

Mayor of Tunja Fernando Florez lamented the clash between students and appealed to both students and Tunja citizens for peace and dialogue between the warring parties.

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