FARC leaders to be investigated over American’s kidnapping

Colombia’s Prosecutor General’s Office on Wednesday announced that it will be investigating the top commanders of rebel group FARC for their alleged role in the kidnapping of an American citizen in June.

The department’s branch in Villavicencio, Meta, will be in charge of uncovering the details surrounding the incident, as well as the individuals directly involved, and will be working closely with the United States’ FBI, according to a message released to the press.

MORE: US concerned about the welfare of Kevin Scott Sutay

The FARC has already taken credit for the kidnapping, and indicated its willingness to release Sutay as a show of good will to the government.

Accounts differ on either side as to whether Sutay was traveling as a civilian, and it is unclear what impact this developing situation will have on the peace talks being held in Cuba, or what impact FARC intended it to.

President Juan Manuel Santos, for his part, called the kidnapping “a flagrant violation” of the talk agreements and asserted Tuesday that neither Piedad Cordoba, an ex-senator FARC requested take part in the exchange, nor any other (former) public official would be involved with negotiations regarding Sutay’s return.


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