FARC release soldier captured in combat

Jhonatan Mora (Photo: Cronica del Quindio)

Rebel group FARC on Sunday released a soldier that apparently had been captured in combat in the southwest of Colombia a few days before.

The soldier, Jhonatan Mora, was released a the Red Cross, which said that the soldier had been injured in combat, but in no danger.

“We received the request to facilitate the release and the medical evacuation of the soldier together with a church commission,” Red Cross representative Olivier Dorighel told press.

According to newspaper El Tiempo, the rebels captured Mora on Thursday, while carrying out operations in La Llanada, a municipality in the troubled Nariño department.

According to the humanitarian aid organization, it has helped with the release of 16 people in hands of illegal armed groups over the course of the year. More than 1,500 people have been released

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