Esperanza Gomez continues to live in Colombia

Colombia news - Esperanza Gomez

Colombia’s most famous porn star, Esperanza Gomez, does not live in Miami where she does most her work, but in Cali, she told local newspaper El Pais.

In an interview with the newspaper, Colombia’s “dirtiest” actress explains she lives with her sister, her niece, two dogs and her cat Pinky.

Gomez, who has been very active in the U.S. porn industry for two years now, but prefers Cali over Miami or Los Angeles to be with her family and the husband she met 16 years ago and with who she says she hopes to have a baby in the future.

According to the porn actress, her two years in the porn industry has not changed the relationship with her husband. “Love is one thing. Sex something else. When I make movies I have sex for fun. With my partner, there is commitment, feeling,” Gomez said. “I love us lying down to watch television and fall asleep. He has what I can not give to anyone else.”

In the future, Gomez hopes to give an impulse to a porn industry in her home country and find a country home where she can have animals and cultivate flowers, she told El Pais. “But for now I live in the present.”

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