Colombia’s Shakira plagiarized song: US judge

Shakira (Photo: Twitter)

A federal judge from the United States has declared that Colombia’s Shakira’s song plagiarizes a song by a Dominican artist back in the 1990s.

Shakira’s song 2010 hit, “Loca,” uses the same beat as a song written by Dominican Edward Bello, also known as El Cata called “Loca con su tiguere.” The beat is owned by Mayimba music which claimed Shakira’s song infringed on intellectual property.

Judge Alvin Hellerstein favored Mayimba in his decision, saying that both “Loca” and “Loca con su tiguere” were illegal copies of Ramon Arias’s beat.

Lawyers from Sony and Mayimba have to meet and produce a document outlying what damages Sony must pay to Mayimba by August 29.


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