One in five Colombians now on Facebook

Internet use in Colombia is on the rise, according to a report released Monday by the Ministry for Information Technology and Communications (ITC). The reports says that almost one in two Colombians, over 20 million people, now have access to the Internet.

One in five Colombians, 9.2 million, have Facebook accounts. Of these, 6.8 million are adults.

Colombia now has 3.2 million internet connections (fixed and mobile), which is a 46% increase on last year’s figure of 2.17 million. 85% of public school students have access to the web.

ITC Minister Daniel Medina called the rise in internet usage “significant,” adding that Colombia shows the highest rate of growth in mobile internet use in the region.

The growth in mobile internet use surged 484% since last year, prompting Medina to say that new measures have to be found to protect users from poor quality or slow connections.

The minister also said that the auction of more radio spectrum for cellular internet access should be brought forward.

There was also a 12% increase in internet access via fixed (telephone and cable) networks, boosting the total to 2.26 million a year from 2.02 million. Of the dedicated internet connections, the ministry said that over 90% comply with the minimum speed regulations required of a broadband connection. 60% percent of the lines are capable of operating at 1 Mbps, the new limit that will be introduced August.

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