Colombian senator hopes to revive gay marriage bill

In the wake of the legalization of gay marriage in Argentina Thursday, Senator Piedad Cordoba hopes to draw up a gay marriage bill for Colombia.

The Liberal Party senator is leading an effort to legalize same-sex marriage. Although Congress has twice shot down similar proposals in the past, she hopes to begin work on the bill on July 20, when the next legislative period begins.

In a bid to gather support for her initiative, she has opened an online consultation with Colombians on Twitter.

Cordoba leads the “Poder Ciududano Siglo XXI” movement, which is situated to the left of her party,  and has long defended the rights of homosexuals. Although the situation of homosexuals in Colombia remains difficult, Senator Cordoba’s struggle follows an important victory for gay rights activists. In January, the Constitutional Court ruled that homosexual couples had the same civil, political, social and economic rights as heterosexual partners.

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