Police: Largest cocaine shipment in six years, links to neo-paramilitaries

(Photo: Police)

Police in Colombia’s Caribbean port city of Cartagena say they have seized their  largest shipment of cocaine in six years and have linked the shipment to a neo-paramilitary group.

Police Commissioner Rodolfo Palomino told local media on Thursday the seven tons of cocaine is estimated to be worth $242 million in European drug markets.

FACTSHEET: Los Urabeños

Palomino said there were many indications that the drug shipment could belong to ‘Los Urabenos’ as it shared many attributes of a shipment of 2 tons of cocaine seized 15 days ago in the Pacific port city of Buenaventura in western Colombia.

“The drug traffickers marked the drug packages with the number 800 and the logo of a recognized multinational car brand,” he said.

Both are signatures used by Los Urabenos, a neo-paramilitary group that has violently taken control of the country’s Caribbean coast following the demobilization of the paramilitary umbrella group AUC.

MORE: 7 tons of cocaine seized in Cartagena

The Narcotics Division said that the drug traffickers tried to disguise the 6910 packages of cocaine by placing them in 

According to Colombia’s El Pais newspaper, the packages were hidden in 20 blocks, among 456 cases of the jars of pineapple.

According to El Espectador, the police have recovered over 13 tons of cocaine this year  from the ports of Santa Marta, Buenaventura, Cartagena and Barranquilla.


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