Colombian manufacturing up by 6.4%

Colombia News - Industry

Colombian industrial production is up by 6.4% in the first semester of 2011, according the Joint Industrial Opinion Survey, according to a communique released Wednesday.

The survey revealed that total sales and sales in the domestic market have grown by 6.4% and 6.3% respectively. The automotive vehicle, auto parts and footwear sub-sectors recorded growth of over 20% in production and sales. In other sub-sectors such as iron and steel, special-use machinery and domestic appliances, there were registered falls in production.

The survey was carried out by the National Association of Colombian Businessmen (ANDI) in conjunction with other Colombian professional associations, such as those of footwear, construction, and graphics.

The figures come before the release of official data on the same subject to be released next week by DANE, Colombia’s national statistics agency.

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