Colombian artist Botero surprises public with ‘Kamasutra’ series

Who says the elderly aren’t interested in sex? Clearly not Colombian artist Fernando Botero, 81, who has released a series of erotic works, inspired by a recent reading of the ancient Hindu how-to guide of different sex positions, “the Kamasutra,” demonstrating that the aging artist’s passion for sex is as alive as ever.

The collection of 70 images, called “Boterosutra,” feature Botero’s signature bulbous figures engaged in various acts of passionate contact.

Botero employed water color and black-and-white pencil to complete his erotic illustrations.

“I started the work in May, I got really excited with the subject and I began producing a lot,” said Botero to weekly newspaper Semana. “I tried to be really subtle in my approach to the subject and that’s why you don’t see the sex [organs] of the characters. Porn doesn’t interest me, but this is definitely my most erotic work.”

While the works will initially be featured in the Galerie Gmurzynska in Switzerland, eventually Botero hopes the images make their way to Colombia.

“I am very happy with the results of this series,” said Botero in the interview with Semana. “They are some of my most technically complex works.”



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