Colombia to ask G8 for help in stopping narco-traffickers

Colombia’s defense minister and interior and justice minister say they will ask the G8 for more military intelligence cooperation to stop the rise of narco-trafficking groups.

Defense Minister Rodrigo Rivera and Interior and Justice Minister German Vargas Lleras will also illustrate to the group of eight most industrialized nations at its summit in Paris Saturday, the advances Colombia is making in the anti-narcotics fight.

Vargas Lleras said “We are going to request more cooperation from the industrialized countries, in terms of exchange of information, arms control among other issues.”

The two ministers will also show the results of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report which registered a 12% reduction in the cultivation of coca although there are still 146 acres planted for the production of the illicit crop.

“We are moving ahead with big efforts in this field resulting in the eradication of [coca] crops and the interception of drug-trafficking routes,” said Vargas Lleras.

However the UN expressed concern about the change of strategy of the illegal groups who carry out the illegal trade and highlighted that fact that 8% of coca cultivation is taking place in Colombia’s national parks where eradication by aerial fumigation is not permitted.

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