Colombia introduces equality bill

The Colombian government introduced a bill on Thursday to ensure equality among the countrys AfroColombian communities.

According to newscast CM&, the project was announced by Interior Minister Fernando Carrillo to guarantee the participation of the Afro-Colombian community groups Comunidades Negras, Afrocolombians, Raizales and Palenqueras.

The project includes giving economic incentives to all parties and movements that include members of black communities if they vote in the elections.

The bill also states that schools and national forces of Colombia such as the police, army, and navy must ensure at least 10% of their quotas for Afro?Colombians.

The Internal Minister is also be obliged to produce an annual document outlining how the government is dealing with the issue in order to reduce discrimination.

Afro?Colombian groups have long been victims of discrimination, violence and forced displacement in the country, mainly due to Colombia’s ongoing internal conflicts.

Carrillo said that the the project seeks to have a country proud of their Afro-Colombian communities.

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