Colombia govt to resume peace talks with FARC July 15

FARC-EP and Government Delegates (Photo: Delegacion de paz FARC-EP)

The Colombian Government and the FARC rebel group announced their intentions to return to peace dialogues on July 15 in a joint declaration, local media reports.

The reparation and recognition of victims will be the central talking point in this round, after negotiations were on pause for the longest time since the peace process started, because of the Colombian presidential elections, the first round held on May 25, and the second round held on June 15.

The FARC, Colombia’s largest rebel group, and the Government released a joint statement that stated their intentions to resume peace talks on June 15 to, “keep advancing in the point referring to the victims of the armed conflict,” reports Cali-based newspaper El Pais. The two parties also indicated that the discussions with regards to participation of victims of Colombia’s armed conflict have advanced.

Victims of the conflict have met in several locations across Colombia to discuss their needs with regards to reparation and justice for the crimes committed against them, as well as their belief of the potential implications, positive and negative, of an eventual peace deal between the two parties, national W Radio reports.

MORE: FARC victims discuss peace talks, watch soccer, at 1st regional forum

MORE: Colombia selects 15 delegates to represent victims in FARC peace talks

Also to be discussed is a truth committee that will deal with the conflict in general, as well as an official recognition of the origins, causes, non-repetition and prolongation of the Colombian armed conflict.

The FARC, Colombia’s largest rebel group, and the government have been negotiating an end to Colombia’s 50+ year armed conflict in Havana, Cuba since August 2012. The subject of victims is the fourth of six topics, while deals have been reached on how to combat drug trafficking, the political participation of ex-guerrillas and agrarian reform.



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