Assassination plot of Colombia congressman unveiled

The Colombian congressman responsible for reopening an investigation into former President Alvaro Uribe’s purported ties with right-wing paramilitaries says he is aware of the death threats that have since been made against him.

The left-wing congressman reportedly informed Colombia’s prosecutor general of an anonymous phone call he received concerning two brothers, Pedro and Santiago Gallon Henao, who, along with former president Alvaro Uribe, are suspected of having influential roles in the creation of paramilitary groups that went on to commit crimes against humanity. According to Cepeda, the anonymous caller informed him that the two brothers were preparing to plant a bomb in Bogota with him as the intended target.

BACKGROUND: ‘Paramilitary bloc born in Uribe’s estate’: Ex-paramilitary

The congressman said that threats against him have increased over the past year following the allegations he made against Uribe. Cepeda reportedly told not only Colombian authorities of the plot but also the Inter-American System of Human Rights, Human Rights Watch, and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

According to Cepeda, the alleged assassination plan is an attempt to smear his reputation of “impeccable and recognized parliamentary work” in the wake of Sunday’s announcement that Uribe will attempt to “retake power” in the 2014 elections.

BACKGROUND: Uribe kicks of 2014 election campaign

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