2 drunk govt bodyguards drive onto beach, injuring 3

Two drunk bodyguards, contracted to protect a local government official, recklessly drove onto a northwest beach in Antioquia on Sunday evening, injuring three sunbathers, newspaper El Tiempo reported.

The guards were contracted by the Interior and Justice Ministry to protect German Marmolejo, the legal representative of the High Council of nearby Curvarado.

Uraba Police Commander Coronel Jaime Avila reported that they drove a government vehicle onto the Punta Arena beach, destroying a hut that contained the three beach-goers.

Two of the injured sunbathers were attended to on the spot, while one was taken to a hospital in Monteria, Cordoba department due to the severity of the injuries.

The police found that the guards were illegally carrying a firearm at the time of the incident. The two detainees were put in the hands of prosecutors to be processed for personal injury charges.

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