A week does NOT have eight days

Colombians have a different concept of time. Ahora (now) in Colombia means later. Ahorita (right now) in Colombia means in a bit. Ya (already) in Colombia means now(-ish). De una (right away) could mean a lot of things.

Another thing that’s confusing about the Colombian idea of time is that a week in the mind of a Colombian has eight days. To make things more confusing is that two weeks have fifteen days. A Colombian will say “cada ocho dias” (every eight days) instead of “cada semana” (every week) or “cada quince dias” (every fifteen days) instead of every two weeks.

It’s difficult to find the logic in this concept of time. Tell a Colombian a week has seven days, so next week is in seven days and NOT in eight days and a stumbling, unlogical reply follows, generally accompanied by counting fingers.

“Today is Friday,” finger one goes up. “So, tomorrow is Saturday, then Sunday, then Monday, then Tuesday, then Wednesday, then Thursday and then Friday. See? eight days,” showing you eight fingers.

Supporting your statement that a week has only seven days and thus next week would be seven times 24 hours doesn’t land. “Let me explain you again, today is Friday……,” generally will be the reply, again supported by fingers going up until you’re looking at eight raised fingers again.

Mind you, this logic will only be applied when the time lapse is exactly a week or two weeks. When you meet in three days, Colombians will use the same logic as the rest of the world.

Understanding the logic may be difficult, but if you don’t want to show up a day late for your next appointment or date, acceptance is the only way. A week has eight days. Two weeks have 15 days.

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