More than 530K Colombian expatriates eligible to vote in upcoming election

(Photo: Correo del Orinoco)

Colombian electoral authorities have announced that more than half a million Colombians living outside Colombia are eligible to vote during March’s congressional elections said nation radio Tuesday.

A total of 214 polling stations will be distributed in 63 countries around the world to facilitate the electoral process for those Colombians residing outside the South American nation.

They will reportedly have a full week starting on Monday March 3 to submit their votes at the nearest polling station between 8 am- 4 pm local time.

Electoral officials documented over 277,000 women living abroad and 258,000 men respectively according to Radio Santa Fe.

Caracas, Venezuela has reportedly the largest expatriate population with about 58,000, or roughly 10%, of eligible voters.  Madrid, Spain is next with almost 28,000 Colombian nationals and Miami in the United States is third with 24,000 potential voters.

Congressional elections will be held on March 9 and presidential elections will follow on May 25.


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