36 injured in open bullfights in north Colombia

Thirty-six people have been injured over five days in popular bull fights, known as corralejos, in the north Colombian department of Atlantico, local media reported.

The corralejos, taking place in the northern town of Sabanalarga, usually involve people that are intoxicated and inexperienced with bullfighting who are permitted to jump into the bull ring and taunt the bulls.

Bullfighting fanatic, Euclides Valderrama, claims to have been gored at least 17 times during the corralejos, but despite a number of nasty scars the man has every intention to continue to participate.

One of the injured men, Jorge Garcia, said that he was careless for one moment and ended up being gored by a bull in the abdomen from behind. He is currently recovering in hospital.

Other injuries involved fractures and open wounds, with at least eight people in a serious condition.

So far, no deaths have been recorded.

The corralejos in Sabanalarga take place around the end of September or start of October every year and have been going on for almost a century, starting in 1920.

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